• Blogs.


What to Expect When Meeting your Lawyer for the First Time

Usually when a person comes to see a Personal Injury Lawyer they are experiencing a time of stress and worry. Here at Peninsula Personal Injury Lawyer…

What to Expect When Meeting your Lawyer for the First Time

How Damages are Calculated for Motor Vehicle Accidents

A claim against the Insurance Commission of WA allows for the payment of damages, or compensation, as a result of injuries suffered by the negligent d…

How Damages are Calculated for Motor Vehicle Accidents

What To Do if Your Claim is Pended by the Insurer

If you’ve been injured in the workplace, you’ll need to notify your employer immediately, and also make a claim to WorkCover. WorkCover is a regulator…

What To Do if Your Claim is Pended by the Insurer

What is ‘Work Capacity’ in workers’ compensation claims?

Anyone who has suffered an injury at work, can attest to the fact that this usually involves a period of time off work for recovery of the injury. Imm…

What is ‘Work Capacity’ in workers’ compensation claims?

Common Legal Terms Explained

In the complex world of law, it can be confusing to get a handle on what all the legal terms mean. All this jargon can certainly make the claims proce…

Common Legal Terms Explained

Got Whiplash? 6 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

If you have been involved in a car accident, chances are you could be suffering from a common, painful condition known as whiplash. Even the slightest…

Got Whiplash? 6 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

What are the Time Limits for Claiming on a Personal Injury?

If you have been injured in an accident, it is important to claim as soon as possible after the incident occurs, as there are strict time limitations …

What are the Time Limits for Claiming on a Personal Injury?

Can the Insurance Company Stop Funding my Treatment?

Have you been injured in a car crash, workplace accident, criminal assault or public liability incident recently? If so, you may be undertaking medica…

Can the Insurance Company Stop Funding my Treatment?

What’s your Driving Personality?

The consistently popular topic of conversation for many years: drivers. So where do you fit in and what is your driving personality? You may fall into…

What’s your Driving Personality?

3 Ways a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, workplace injury, hurt in a private or public place or as a result of a criminal act, it can be baffling to…

3 Ways a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Can I Claim Criminal Compensation If I Have Been Hurt in an Assault or as a Result of a Criminal Offence?

The short answer is yes. However, in order for your criminal compensation claim to be assessed you must be able to satisfy the Criminal Injuries Compe…

Can I Claim Criminal Compensation If I Have Been Hurt in an Assault or as a Result of a Criminal Offence?

Received A Form 36 From The Workers

Have you received a Form 36 from the workers compensation insurer? If you have a liability accepted claim the employer must forward to you a Form 36 N…

Received A Form 36 From The Workers

What are our clients saying about us?

  • I would like to thank Justin and the team at PPIL, thanks for being in my corner. They have helped me find closure after my work injury. Highly recommended!
    Dave H
    Personal Injury Claim
  • I would like to thank Natasha and all her wonderful staff for all the thorough and excellent hard work that they all put into my motor vehicle accident claim.

    I can highly recommend them for any claim you have. The level of professionalism and customer service is outstanding. I was very satisfied.
    Angela D
    Motor Vehicle Claim


There’s a reason we have a 99% success rate.

“Always in your corner” means acting in your best interest. We give clear, honest and frank advice and will not fill you full of false expectations. We will give you a break down of your claim and will recommend a strategic approach that will provide you with the leverage to obtain the best personal and financial outcome. We will only take on your case if we are confident in a successful outcome. PPIL - your committed personal injury lawyers in Perth and Mandurah.

Get in touch.

Legal matters are complex and we welcome all enquiries and questions. Please complete this form and one of our team will be in touch immediately.


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

1300 722 739