• Blogs.


What To Do If You Are Injured In A Motor Vehicle Accident

I appreciate that this is not the most enticing or exiting title to a blog but these are the basic essential steps. Some background – The Insurance Co…

What To Do If You Are Injured In A Motor Vehicle Accident

Has The Workers’ Compensation Insurer Declined

It does not mean that you do not have a valid workers’ compensation claim. That question can really only be determined by an Arbitrator of WorkCover W…

Has The Workers’ Compensation Insurer Declined

How Do I Know If I need To Engage A Lawyer For My Workers Compensation Claim?

As a general rule, most people are hesitant about going to see a lawyer for various reasons. The main concerns are cost, fear of reprisal from the emp…

How Do I Know If I need To Engage A Lawyer For My Workers Compensation Claim?

Has The Workers’ Compensation Insurer Declined Liability For Your Claim?

If the workers’ compensation insurer declines liability for your claim, it does not mean that you do not have a valid workers’ compensation claim. Tha…

Has The Workers’ Compensation Insurer Declined Liability For Your Claim?

NEW Alcohol Interlock Laws come into Force Today: This is How They Work

Motorists caught driving with a blood-alcohol reading more than three-times the legal limit, and repeat drink drivers, will need to have an alcohol lo…

NEW Alcohol Interlock Laws come into Force Today: This is How They Work

The Impact of Social Media on a Personal Injury Claim

There is no question social media plays a significant role in the everyday life of Australians. We are also no stranger to the notion that everything …

The Impact of Social Media on a Personal Injury Claim

Workers’ Compensation Claim Vs Common Law Claim… What is the Difference?

Workers compensation claim lawyers in Perth. Work injuries sustained in the WA workplace, typically require recovering compensation from the workers’ …

Workers’ Compensation Claim Vs Common Law Claim… What is the Difference?

Workers’ Compensation Claim Denied? This Could be Why

Workers’ Compensation exists to support those who suffer a workplace accident, repetitive stress injury, or work-related illness injury or illness at …

Workers’ Compensation Claim Denied? This Could be Why

Car Accident Checklist

Do you know what to do in the unfortunate event of a car accident? Motor vehicle accidents can be confusing and stressful, which makes it difficult to…

Car Accident Checklist

Compensation Payments: Why Do I have to Repay Medicare?

When an individual suffers an injury, they are usually entitled to claim Medicare benefits when seeking medical treatment. This can include doctors an…

Compensation Payments: Why Do I have to Repay Medicare?

Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Claims… How long do they take to settle?


Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Claims… How long do they take to settle?

The Most Common Workplace Injuries and How to Prevent Them

If you have lower back pain, you are not alone. About 80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. It is also the m…

The Most Common Workplace Injuries and How to Prevent Them

What are our clients saying about us?

  • I would like to thank Justin and the team at PPIL, thanks for being in my corner. They have helped me find closure after my work injury. Highly recommended!
    Dave H
    Personal Injury Claim
  • I would like to thank Natasha and all her wonderful staff for all the thorough and excellent hard work that they all put into my motor vehicle accident claim.

    I can highly recommend them for any claim you have. The level of professionalism and customer service is outstanding. I was very satisfied.
    Angela D
    Motor Vehicle Claim


There’s a reason we have a 99% success rate.

“Always in your corner” means acting in your best interest. We give clear, honest and frank advice and will not fill you full of false expectations. We will give you a break down of your claim and will recommend a strategic approach that will provide you with the leverage to obtain the best personal and financial outcome. We will only take on your case if we are confident in a successful outcome. PPIL - your committed personal injury lawyers in Perth and Mandurah.

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

1300 722 739