Any car accident is distressing, but sometimes it is downright life changing. If you or someone you love suffers injuries in a car accident, your firs…
Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance payment to employees if they are injured at work or become sick due to their work.
We often receive questions from injured workers about Centrelink and how compensation payments affect their Centrelink benefits.
Many of our clients ask the question, “Can I get fired for filing a workers’ compensation claim?”
Have you received a Form 36 from the workers compensation insurer? If you have a liability accepted claim the employer must forward to you a Form 36 N…
The common reasons an insurer pends a stress claim are to obtain further factual and/or medical evidence. The insurer will usually seek your pre-injur…
Although “Risky Business” may have been cool in the 1980s it is not the place to be now. There are 35,000 workers’ compensation claims a year. That me…
The most obvious result of an accident, whether it occur at work, in a car accident on in a public place, is that you suffer physical injury. That typ…
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident and you are partly to blame, are you still entitled to compensation for personal injuries suffer…
FINALLY COVERED – Legislation has been passed ensuring that all WA motorists have insurance cover for catastrophic injuries from July 1, 2016.
Particularly in the mining industry, work can be a major risk factor when it comes to physical injury. However, despite the sometimes perceived more i…
Driving on the roads is a simple fact of daily life for most of us, whether we are stuck in peak hour traffic on our way to work or playing mum’s taxi…
“Always in your corner” means acting in your best interest. We give clear, honest and frank advice and will not fill you full of false expectations. We will give you a break down of your claim and will recommend a strategic approach that will provide you with the leverage to obtain the best personal and financial outcome. We will only take on your case if we are confident in a successful outcome. PPIL - your committed personal injury lawyers in Perth and Mandurah.
Legal matters are complex and we welcome all enquiries and questions. Please complete this form and one of our team will be in touch immediately.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation